„I am burnt-out. What about you ?“ – Celebreties admit, the media is writing on the issue. In nearly every survey asking what companies are worried about, Burn-Out is one of the top issues. It therefore moved into public focus and it seems as if Burn-Out has become socially acceptable. Unfortunately, the „solution“ is not an easy one. The only thing that linear approaches like „Time Management“ can do, is keeping people in a „functioning-mode“. For this reason, our non-linear approach goes into more depth.
In the beginnings (1994 onwards), the nearly legendary „Privatissimum – Bewusste Lebensgestaltung für Führungskräfte“ (Consciously Shaping Executives´ Life) was as unconventional as innovative. Today however more than ever, our approach is very much up-to-date.
Assumptions of our „Integrative Resource-Management“:
1. Consciousness: The crucial starting point for coping with resources is the individual´s consciousness. Being conscious regarding the body, the mind, feelings, own attitudes, relationships, beliefs, values, behavior, and acting. The same can be said for patterns on the organizational level.
2. Shaping & context conditions: both in the individual and corporate context, these two premises have to be acknowledged. A lot of things (more than we think) can actively and freely be shaped by each of us. Nevertheless, some things are given by context conditions resp. by fate asking us to take the challenge.
3. New competences to be developed by executives and co-workers in order to cooperate in a resource-conscious way:
- Self-Consciousness
- Self-Guidance
- Intentions & Intrinsic Motivation
- Social & Emotional Intelligence
4. Integration & Sustainability: Modern leadership should actively consider resource-aspects at all levels (people, teams, structures, processes, KPIs, target- and compensation systems). We need sustainable concepts when dealing with resources. The same is true for the environment, people and organizations as well.
5. Active & Attractive: A central corporate task is to actively shape general conditions into a motivating environment. We see this as an alternative to over-regulation and the very common fight for resources (head-counts, budgets etc.). In the future, a ´great place to work´ will be identified, amongst others, by its professional resource-management, which is a strong advantage in the competition for talents.
Information & concrete offers: brigitte@sachs-schaffer.at
Resources are only scarce in a left-brain dominated thinking.
This is why we accompany our clients explore the right hemisphere of their brain, where we can recognize ourselves as a meaningful part of a bigger whole.
Realizing this allows us to manage our resources in a more natural, easy way.